Helping children with autism and their families reach their fullest potential.
Providing Applied Behavior Analysis therapy in Cookeville TN and surrounding communities.
Why Willowco Collective Learning
Willowco Collective Learning serves children ages two through the transition into adulthood who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other related disorders. We provide socially significant services founded in Applied Behavior Analysis that are individualized and designed to help you, your child, and their entire team.
Applied Behavior Analysis
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the science in which the application of behavioral principles are applied to everyday situations to improve socially significant behavior. The goal of ABA therapy is to decrease harmful behaviors or those that impede learning or social relationships and to increase helpful behaviors across many domains including communication, social skills, self-care, play, leisure, academic, and more. ABA is considered an evidenced based best practice treatment and is currently the only scientifically validated treatment for individuals on the autism spectrum.